WandaVision (episode 4), review

Exploring a separate area of WandaVision, we are taken into the depths of S.W.O.R.D (Sentient World Observation and Response Department) where the mysteries of Westview are being investigated.

The further we delve into WandaVision the more we find out. The more we find out, the more questions it raises. As episode 4 progresses, the audience learns more about Geraldine aka Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), whose mum was one of the founders of S.W.O.R.D. It starts with an incredibly bold sequence by showing people coming back in the blip after being snapped away by Thanos only the learn that 5 years have passed. The grounded reality and trauma is right in front of you, dealt with in a way not seen in the MCU until now. The disorientated feeling from those who have come back and from those who are seeing it happen. The confusion, the shock, the panic and the grief.

Monica, due to being one of the individuals who has returned, is temporarily grounded, leaving her to fend of the weird and wonderful goings on in suburban America. She is sent on a mission where she meets the wonderful magic loving Agent Jimmy Woo, played by Randall Park. The two briefly converse before they are separated and their mission becomes more complicated. To say any more would be a spoiler, there are more typical Marvel goings on than we’ve seen in the previous 3 episodes. We have a highly funded government agency looking for and monitoring unusual activity which is yet to be explained to anyone including the audience. Traditionally the hunters normally know less than those watching but this time we’re in the dark just as much.

There are certainly a couple of answers for certain things that have happened, but even those don’t exactly offer much. Similar to episodes 1, 2 and 3, we are shown things but not told enough. It’s a factor which has been working well for Jac Schaeffer and her team of writers and director Matt Shakman so why change things now? Another aspect of the show which we’ve only received in small doses are that of Wanda’s powers, when she was having contractions and giving birth, her powers were wildly out of control, and she loses it a bit in this episode too.

It was certainty a different episode, but not the different we’re used to. Whilst it felt like a dip in quality as there was not much of the sitcom element to enjoy, it was only a slight dip. After all, learning more about this world is what we’re here for. The prospect of what is to come next is frankly terrifying, but in the best possible way.

4 out of 5.

Keep. It. Reel.