Super Bowl LV Trailers

Once again, lots of men ran around a field, fighting over a stupidly shaped ball just to impress some sort of superb owl. No, I don’t get it either but because so many people watch it, we get lots of tasty trailers and TV spots for films and show we’re all looking forward to.

This year because of the pandemic (I’m so sick of saying that) there are fewer films out so there was an assumption that we’d see more TV show trailers than films especially with the likes of Marvel churning out multiple cinematic series to expand it’s ever growing universe.

However whilst there were fewer than normal years, there’s still lots of new content for fans to get excited about. I thought we’d see more of Loki, The Suicide Squad, Batman and more. Even maybe something new like Hawkeye which is currently being drip fed via sneaky on set photos and Jeremy Renner’s Instagram. It’s rare (I say rare, probably never) that we would have our first look at anything Marvel/DC during an event like this but one can dream!

What we got was new looks at The Falcon and the Winter Soldier where Sam and Bucky are getting on each other’s nerves, Fast 9 or F9 where the word family isn’t said, how weird. Also saw more of Raya and the Last Dragon and got a look at Old, M. Night Shyamalan’s latest which will be on Apple TV and Nobody. A film in which Bob Odenkirk kicks a lot of ass. Can’t wait.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Raya and the Dragon


Fast & Furious 9


Coming 2 America



Keep. It. Reel.