The week in news: November 28th 2016

So much news. Very little time. A week to be exact. With any luck this will be a regular feature every week on either Sunday or Monday where I round up a bunch of news, just in case you’ve missed anything. Yes, I can be THIS nice. As well as these regular news updates, I’ve got a few new bits coming in the new year which I’m hoping will become regular features. Stay tuned. In the mean time, let’s get this started.

Cars 3

And we begin with Cars 3 trailer. This is without question the least Pixar the Cars movies has ever looked. A very gritty, off-kilter, shocking and a greyish trailer which comes with a message: From this moment everything will change. What does that mean? Are they destroying Cars as we know it? Will people actually like this one? (I’ve not seen either of them so I can’t comment but apparently Cars and Cars 2 sucks.) Has the colour been turned down for good? No-one knows but we will certainly find out in 2017.

John Boyega in Pacific Rim: Maelstrom 

We’ve just seen John Boyega featuring in a new image from Pacific Rim 2. It was announced a while ago that he was part of the sequel, he then released a photo to show us the title which is Pacific Rim: Maelstrom. And that’s it. That’s pretty much all we know (without reading more about it to avoid spoilers) however I do hope that we’ll see more dumb awesomeness with even more massive robots punching massive monsters!


Release of Rogue One tickets

They are out people! This is not a drill! I’ve booked my ticket to watch it on the 17th December. I’m very excited, I love the idea for this film and it look great from the trailers. Rogue One this year, Episode VIII in 2017, Han Solo movie in 2018, Episode IX in 2019 and another spin-off in 2019. So much to look forward to if you’re a Star Wars fan, which I wasn’t a while ago. But that’s something for another time. You can book your tickets here.



Deadpool 2 director announced

Director of Deadpool 2 announced as  David Leitch, who is the man behind 2014’s John Wick starring Keanu Reeves. This is going to be a challenge for Leitch. First of all, John Wick was very successful, enough to make a sequel in fact, however it was dark, there wasn’t much humour in it. But the action scenes were superbly choreographed and the entire film was well directed. It’s an interesting choice after Tim Miller departed due to creative differences (there are lots of rumours, related to budget constrictions, disagreeing on who to cast as Cable and so on) but it’ll be a good one that’s for a sure.


Emilia Clarke in Han Solo movie

That’s it. This is all we know. She’s paying the female leads apparently and that’s it. I think it’s a good move for Clarke to go into such a major franchise considering her work besides Game of Thrones hasn’t exactly been strong. Time will tell, this is going to be the second spin-off for Star Wars with many more planned especially as they have recently announced that after Episode IX, there will be no more Episode films. It makes sense, there’s only so far a story can go and there are plenty of other ideas to be explored.

Silence trailer and poster

Can you imagine working on something for 28 years, finishing it off and then releasing it to the world? Well this is exactly what the film Silence is to Martin Scorsese. The trailer for his epic new film, starring Adam Driver, Andrew Garfield and Liam Neeson has finally been released. Check out what all the fuss is about right here. They also released a poster, looking forward to this.


Sherlock Season 4 images

We’ve seen the trailer, now check out these images! Yeah okay, they aren’t that great but frankly I very eager to see what they have planned for this set of episodes which might be the end of Sherlock. It certainly needs to end. Season 3 was good but not as good as 1 and 2, plus the main duo are constantly busy with other films and stage performances. It all beings again on January 1st 2017. I’ve thrown in all of the new images, a couple of old ones AND the trailer. Enjoy your Sherlook-gasm…

The Comedian trailer

This is what he doe best. Good character acting. I love the look of this film, it looks charming, funny and warm, plus the role of DeNiro’s character seems to be a much stronger one than he’s played recently (all I will say is Dirty Grandpa). Check out the trailer below.

A few more trailers from the week

The Book of Love Official Trailer

T2 TRAINSPOTTING International Trailer

Barry trailer


Keep. It. Reel.