No, Avengers Endgame Is Not Fat Shaming


You have been warned, if you’re reading this and you’ve not seen Avengers Endgame that’s your fault.

For a number of years I’ve struggled with my weight, wanting to lose it, putting the effort in, shedding a few pounds but ultimately failing for some reason. It’s a frustrating thing to want to do something but losing that momentum after a short while. I became lazy at some point and after 25, it’s piled on. For a long time I was ashamed at this happening to me, constantly blaming myself and the choices I made. Frankly I assumed my friends and family wouldn’t like me as much. What I didn’t realise until later is that I was still the same person. Still the same slightly annoying, funny (in my humble opinion) and chatty nerd I have been for as long as I can remember.

No amount of weight gained or lost will ever change that or how people see me and care about me. The same can be said for Thor, when we first see him in Endgame he’s the hero we’re used to seeing; confident, brooding and muscular. Hemsworth embodies Thor to a point that, like Rober Downey Jr. as Iron Man, there isn’t anyone else you can imagine playing the God of Thunder. It isn’t until later that we see the toll certain events have taken on him. After slicing off Thanos’ head in the first 20 minutes and failing to undo the Snap thanks to the destruction of the stones, each Avenger goes their separate ways. Five years pass when Groot and Banner/Hulk (Bulk?!) pay him a visit at New Asgard. The reveal of an unkempt and heavier Thor was certainly shocking and played for laughs at first, however after this there is a tremendous amount of pain and pathos.

There was a point when Thor was a one note character, the muscular hero who would always vanquish the villain somehow and do it in style. The worst we saw him is when he briefly pined after Jane in Thor: The Dark World only to be reunited with her soon after. Other than that not a hair was out of place on this God of Thunder. Even when his mother died in Thor 2 and then his father in Thor Ragnarok, very little emotion was shown. Not until his third solo outing did we see a slightly different side to him in part thanks to Hemsworth himself as well as director Taika Waititi, both of which wanted to take the character in a different direction. Stripping him of his signature hair, hammer and home did just that. It also gave Hemsworth a chance to show off his comedy chops, something which be clearly has a natural talent for. Then in Infinity War, we see how hard he’s had it during his chat with Rocket (aka rabbit) where he laid out all who had died and how it’ll help him kill Thanos. It didn’t. What it eventually did was push Thor into depression, PTSD and alcoholism. Think about that for a moment, one of the most powerful beings in the universe had severe mental health issues. No matter what caused it, it really can happen to anyone. Power on the outside doesn’t mean power within.

There are a couple of unfortunate comments in Endgame’s three hour runtime such as Rocket calling him tubby and Rhodey claiming he has Cheese Whiz coursing through him. Whilst it feels in character for Rocket, Rhodey’s off handed comment felt very jarring and unnecessarily harsh. Some may argue that this sort of treatment continues throughout Endgame however it seems to lean more on the alcoholic Thor who is suffering from PTSD. He breaks down right after hearing the name Thanos, he is reliant on beer, grabbing Banner with one hand and still clutching a beer in the other. Not only has it taken its toll on his physical form, his mental state has been severely damaged as well. Not killing Thanos when he should have meant half of the universe died, that’s one hell of a burden to bear.

As he continues with his narrative through the film, he’s subjected to other types of name calling including Lebowski but this comes from the nicknaming Tony Stark. Never does it feel like fat shaming. If anything there is a growing concern for Thor starting when we see him after the 5 year time jump, he’s desperate to be who he was as he clings onto his past when he mentions Jane, and that he is the one who killed Thanos. The pain within him comes out as he continues to drink and can barely hold a sentence together struggling to find the words.

There are two key sections which turn things around for him, both of which help him accept who he is rather than who he’s supposed to be. They are the scenes he spends with his mother when travelling back to Asgard in 2013 and the final battle. Seeing her for one last time knowing full well that she was about to die was a blessing for him and that’s how he took it. It’s here that Thor comes to terms with his failures, suffering and grief. Yes he killed Thanos but not when he should have. His death didn’t change anything and it’s this which causes him to retreat inside himself and drink himself into a depressed and bloated state. Some final words of wisdom from his mother (Rene Russo reprising her role) as she reminds him of who he is and that this hasn’t changed despite how difficult it may be to see. One lift of his hand as he summons Mjolnir and realising that he in fact still worthy is a beautiful cherry on top of a perfect scene.

Then the final fight. The one thing that they could have done which would have ruined it is making Thor ab-tastic again. Keeping him at this size is a clear indication this is who he is now, and that no matter how big or small you become, you are always worthy, you are always powerful, you are always mighty. And apparently lightning can plait your beard!

Endgame changed a lot about the MCU and the Avengers, killing off two of the original members, giving Captain America a happy ending and showing us a smart Hulk. The biggest shock and pleasant surprise came in the shape of Thor. Pushing the character into places we had never see him go, having to deal with the toughest time he’s ever had, coming through the other side and joining the Guardians of the Galaxy. A bold move which didn’t involve killing off the character. With Hemsworth reportedly signing on to carry on his Marvel life into Phase 4, as well as his now more developed character it’s nice to know we’ll have a familiar face sticking around.

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The End Game Is Coming

The wait is almost over with the release of the first trailer from the fourth Avengers film. It’s title? Avengers: End Game. This has been the rumoured title for a while with Marvel and the Russo Brothers keeping it a secret until now. Check out the trailer below:

It’s an astonishing first look which doesn’t reveal too much besides Ant-Man who, last time we saw him, was trapped in the quantum realm. How he gets out is anyone’s guess but I suppose it’s not that much of a spoiler because you can’t just leave him in there for the duration of the film can you? This is an interesting and better way to release a trailer. Last year with the first one for Infinity War we got a countdown with those odd green numbers from the Russos, this time it’s been rumour after rumour and then dropped. Apparently it was held back for various reasons, causing some ludicrous outrage amongst fans across the globe (some people were total dicks on Twitter!) Anyway, also included is a new poster which is the Infinity War one after the snap. Oh…SNAP!


What we do see in the trailer includes the original Avengers, as well as Nebula and a brief shot of Thanos, his devastated gauntlet and his armour walking around an unnamed planet although it’s safe to assume he’s where we left him at the end of Infinity War. Tony is in a worse situation than the rest as he drifts through space having run out of food and water and coming dangerously close to finishing whatever oxygen he has left. Clint aka Hawkeye aka Ronin makes a return with a new haircut (it looks fucking cool) and a new weapon. As we see Thor and Bruce coming to terms with what has happened, Black Widow and Captain America formulate a plan to make things right. Take a look below for a few shots from the trailer.


Directed by the Russo Brothers and starring Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Karen Gillan, Brie Larson, Paul Rudd, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Josh Brolin and a shitload of others Avengers: End Game is out in April. What are your thoughts on the name and the trailer? Like? Hate? Don’t give a shit?


Keep. It. Reel.

Thor: Ragnarok New Images

The previous two stand alone Thor films haven’t been great. They’ve had their moments and given us Tom Hiddelston as Loki, who is so far the best Marvel villain, they’ve just been lacking something. But I’ll say this, the worst MCU films are better than the best DCEU films. Thor: Ragnarok is out towards the end of this year, besides a few details confirmed mainly including cast and characters, we haven’t seen a lot just yet. Until now! 

Yes! Images! Sexy, shiny, new and bloody colourful! Turn the colour pallet down guys, I’m going blind from your disco revival! With a lighter looking movie and Thor’s trademark look of long hair whilst wielding his mighty hammer seemingly gone, what are we to make of what we see? Well there’s a meeting of Thor and Bruce Banner who look very excited, Jeff Goldblum has an interesting get-up with his choice of hair, makeup and clothes and Loki is making his return to the MCU after not being seen since the last Thor film. Yay!

From what we know regarding the story, it certainly sounds different. Thor has to face the Hulk, in order to save his people from Hela, played by Cate Blanchett as seen in one of the images below. It’s yet another way the MCU is cleverly incorporating it’s characters into the stand alone films. With the addition of Doctor Strange played by Benedict Cumberbatch, as well as Karl Urban, Tessa Thompson and Sam Neill joining the crew, it’s going to be a very interesting film. Thor: Ragnarok is due for release in October this year and directed by Taika Waititi.

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Doctor Strange set to appear in Thor: Ragnarok 

When the MCU began, it made perfect sense to have stand alone films, with just one protagonist fighting against the odds. However as this universe has developed and grown into what it is today, this can no longer be and Marvel understands this. Black Widow showed up in Iron Man 2 and in Captain America: Winter Soldier, with Falcon making his debut appearance in the later. Next year Spider-Man is teaming up with Iron Man and now it’s been announced that Doctor Strange will be joining Hulk in Thor: Ragnarok.

Benedict Cumberbatch has finally been confirmed for the film in which he is reprising his Stephen Strange character and joining a huge ensemble cast which already includes Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo and Tom Hiddelston. This doesn’t come as too much of a surprise due to the after credits scene in 2016’s Doctor Strange where he and Thor had a chat over a beer. Fans were hopeful to see him appear on the third Thor film and their wish has come true.

Thor: Ragnarok is released in October 2017 and directed by Taika Waititi.

Keep. It. Reel.

News from Comic Con: The superheroes are still coming.

Comic Con news just in: new Marvel Comic films are on the way, including second installments of Captain America and Thor, both of which have foregone the usual numbers and opted for full titles. Captain America: The Winter Soldier will be with us on 4th April 2014, whilst Thor: The Dark World will be out on 8th November 2013. The rest include Ironman 3 which is out on 26th April 2013, Guardians of the Galaxy will be released on 1st August 2014 and Ant-Man does not currently have an official date as of yet.

So lots on the way for comic book fans, we’ll see if they can live up to the hype, especially Ant-Man which has had some footage shown at Comic Con. It starts with two agents at the end of a long white corridor, from which we pull back behind an air vent to reveal Ant-Man. Tiny, red and black suit, a mask. Simple. He jumps through the vent, runs along t he corridor and zaps into a normal size. The agents draw their guns. Ant-Man changes back into his small self and leaps into the mouth of one of the agents and knocks him out. He then grabs the tie of the other, flips him through the window and changes back to normal size. He enters an elevator and shrinks back down again.

We’ll see what this holds and how the others do against the magnitude of comic book films that are also in production right now, which includes two more Garfield Spidermans, Man of Steel with Christopher Nolan’s creative input as producer and more from The Avengers. It’s going to be a fun geek-filled few years.


New Avengers artwork and DVD case.

The Avengers are Assembling, again. Now I I hope you aren’t quite sick of the super hero lovefest I’ve been having here on Neel’s Reel Deel because here is some great new artwork and a stunning collectors edition case for the release of Marvel’s The Avengers Assemble. Each piece of artwork is for the discs included for the solo films of all the characters plus the bonus “Phase One Archives”. So in this mammoth boxset, you will get Iron man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, The Avengers Assemble as well as the bonus disc of “Phase One Archives.” Very exciting, so much so that I wish I didn’t have any of the film so I could buy this box! Probably the most amazing looking case for any sort of DVD / Blu Ray release, just take a look, it’s beautiful. Well happy buying and watching!

Snow White and the Huntsman – trailer

A very interesting twist on what is a classic fairytale. Snow White and the Huntsman is out fairly shortly, it stars Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth and Kristen Stewart. Now I know the unfortunate anti-fans Stewart has due to her awkward interviews and just for starring in the Twilight series! But I think people need to start giving her a chance to see the other side of her. The now less awkward girl who appears to be developing her career very nicely indeed! SO give her and Snow White’s trailer a chance. Let me know what you think!