The Lion King Receives A First Trailer

First of all Disney, how dare you remake my favourite Disney film! I’ve loved this film for as long as I can remember and I’ve seen it on stage, so frankly it’s insulting. Second, it only looks okay! If this is a shot for shot remake, which it so far certainly looks like then I will not be happy. Third, Beyoncé?? Really?! Urgh! Okay rant mostly over but I will be watching you Disney! 

Here is the first look at the live-action remake of The Lion King which has been directed by Jon Favreau who previously worked on live version of The Jungle Book which to be fair was good! He’s brought back the circle of life as we see the ceremony for Simba on Pride Rock along with a couple of other familiar characters. Check out the trailer here:

Starring Donald Glover (Simba), James Earl Jones (reprising his role as Mufasa), Alfre Woodard (Sarabi), Seth Rogen (Pumbaa), John Oliver (Zazu), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Scar) and Beyoncé (Nala), this is the latest live action film from Disney who have announced several others including Mulan, Lilo & Stich and Lady and the Tramp. These along with Aladdin and Dumbo, both of which have trailers and are out next year in the summer.

Here’s the poster which Favreau also shared along with this teaser. Look, I know I’m super negative with these films but it’s only because Disney can do better. This is all a very cynical attwmpt to make a load of money rather than being creative. Anyway, the film is expected to be out in July 2019. 

Keep. It. Reel.

Feasting From Films. Chef: Garlic Pasta

Recently my lady friend (hello Lizzie) had the idea of combining my love of food and film into regular blog posts. Essentially the concept is to cook/bake dishes seen in movies, see how easy they are to make and how they taste. Lucky for me, I enjoy cooking however Lizzie is much better at it than I am so she took the reins on what is hopefully the first of many food related film blog posts.

The idea sprung to Lizzie’s mind after were watched the Jon Favreau flick, Chef who stars and directs this food lovers movie. (If you’ve not seen it, I suggest that before viewing it that you eat something extra tasty. Food envy is the worst.) Favreau stars as Carl Casper, a frustrated chef, caged by the menu he has to serve night after night as well as his unrelenting boss, Dustin Hoffman.

Once upon a time he was being hailed as one of the most exciting things in the restaurant business but is now reduced to a bog standard cook. This leads to a pretty bad review from a well-known food critic and the meltdown to end all meltdowns. Unfortunately for Casper, this is the digital age where everyday people can photograph and film at the push of a button which leads to him becoming a viral star. He quits and soon after he’s convinced to start a food truck which quickly gains popularity.

Before all of this, the pre-meltdown portion of the film if you will, he cooks garlic pasta (full name is Pasta Aglio e Olio) for Scarlett Johansson who loves it! Who wouldn’t? It looks so good that I’m pretty sure I could smell it. Maybe it was the garlic bread I was eating at the time but I doubt that. Anyway, here’s the ingredients and method for the garlic pasta.

For the original recipe, take a look here.

Ingredients (Serves 2 people)

  • Large handful of spaghetti
  • 8 cloves of garlic, sliced thinly
  • 150 ml extra virgin oil
  • 1 tablespoon of chili flakes
  • 60g Parmesan, grated
  • Handful of diced parsley
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Salt and pepper to season


  1. Find the Chef soundtrack and press play
  2. Boil some water in a saucepan, add salt and then place the spaghetti in until cooked, usually around 10 minutes or so
  3. Whilst this is cooking, heat up the oil in a separate frying pan on a gentle heat and then add in the garlic, ensuring that you stir it every minute so that it doesn’t burn
  4. Once the garlic is golden brown, remove from the heat, drain the spaghetti and leave on the side until you’re ready to mix
  5. Add the chili flakes to the garlic and oil, then stir, making sure it is well mixed
  6. Turn the volume up for God’s sake! I can’t hear the sexy salsa sounds of Chef over all that frying and mixing!
  7. Add the spaghetti in and toss/stir until it is completely coated in garlic/chili oil (I’m drooling, I want it again!)
  8. Add in the parsley and parmesan and again stir well
  9. Squeeze in the lemon juice, ensuring it is drizzled all over the spaghetti
  10. Season with salt and pepper to your own taste
  11. ENJOY!

It’s a surprisingly simple recipe which (minus chopping the garlic thinly) didn’t take that long. It’s perfect and filling by itself, however I’d recommend that you serve it with a salad if anything. I added in extra parmesan as I was eating, because of the heat and this also improved the taste overall.

We used more than a tablespoon of chili flakes and it was a bit too much, however you can probably take the heat better than me. Here are a few images during the cooking  process. Excuse the quality, my camera thinks it’s from the 90s.

Keep an eye out on my blog for monthly movie recipes from all sorts of films and if you have any ideas you’d like me to try out, let me know.

Keep. It. Reel.

News from Comic Con: The superheroes are still coming.

Comic Con news just in: new Marvel Comic films are on the way, including second installments of Captain America and Thor, both of which have foregone the usual numbers and opted for full titles. Captain America: The Winter Soldier will be with us on 4th April 2014, whilst Thor: The Dark World will be out on 8th November 2013. The rest include Ironman 3 which is out on 26th April 2013, Guardians of the Galaxy will be released on 1st August 2014 and Ant-Man does not currently have an official date as of yet.

So lots on the way for comic book fans, we’ll see if they can live up to the hype, especially Ant-Man which has had some footage shown at Comic Con. It starts with two agents at the end of a long white corridor, from which we pull back behind an air vent to reveal Ant-Man. Tiny, red and black suit, a mask. Simple. He jumps through the vent, runs along t he corridor and zaps into a normal size. The agents draw their guns. Ant-Man changes back into his small self and leaps into the mouth of one of the agents and knocks him out. He then grabs the tie of the other, flips him through the window and changes back to normal size. He enters an elevator and shrinks back down again.

We’ll see what this holds and how the others do against the magnitude of comic book films that are also in production right now, which includes two more Garfield Spidermans, Man of Steel with Christopher Nolan’s creative input as producer and more from The Avengers. It’s going to be a fun geek-filled few years.


Iron Man 3 – the first image

Iron Man 3 - the first image

Iron Man and Iron Man 2, I feel, have set the bar high for the next instalment. Not that this image gives us much but we can see Robert Downey Jr. in familiar territory at his workshop and it’s also a chance to get excited so soon after The Avengers for a new Marvel instalment. With this Captain America 2, Thor 2 and The Avengers 2 being announced recently, as well as Mark Ruffalo signing up for 5 more Hulk films, it looks like we can rest easy, the world will be safe for quite some time.