The names fall, Skyfall. The new poster for 007.

The hype that surrounds each and every new Bond film isn’t entirely surprising, despite the fact they normally turn out to be the same full throttle, action packed flick. Though some are worse than others. There is the pride of British film making within a Bond film, as well as an at least partly British cast with whoever happens to be playing James Bond as well as M. However this time around, the hype feels fair and right. Daniel Craig returns as Bond with Judi Dench once again playing M but this time there is a somewhat famous face behind the camera in the shape of Sam Mendes director of American Beauty and Road to Perdition. We also have Ralph Fiennes, Javier Bardem and Naomie Harris bringing their superb talents to the 007 screen. Whilst I hate to get bogged down in such extensive publicity for a film which w haven’t even seen a trailer for yet, it’s hard not to get excited by such talent! So have a look at the new poster, simple as it is, but undeniably classic Bond.
