Matilda the Musical, review

Based on the musical stage adaptation, Matilda follows the lead character as she’s ignored at home and bullied at school. When her teacher Miss Honey notices her gifts, things begin to change.

Movie musicals adapted from the stage generally go one of two ways. It’s either too stagey and it doesn’t work for the big screen or it’s utterly brilliant. This falls firmly in the latter camp with outstanding songs, dance numbers and performances by the principle cast as well as the ensemble of children.

A new cast taking on Matilda is a daunting prospect, especially when the 90s film is as beloved as the stage show. However with the likes of composer Tim Minchin and musical theatre director Matthew Warchus on-board (both of whom worked on the stage show) it’s already on firm footing. Alisha Weir takes on the lead role and commands the screen with her charming presence which can be felt particularly when she’s performing some of the key songs. However her emotional chops deserve a mention too as she shows an impressive range. Playing Matilda takes a balance of personas as she is burdened with awful parents, a terrifying head mistress whilst at the some time allowing herself to escape with storytelling.

The film follows her as she navigates her way through school and her home life with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wordwood who are played by Andrea Risborough and the scenery chewing Stephen Graham who dons some interesting teeth for his role. Whilst Risborough is fantastic with what she is given, it’s Graham who is ine of the film’s standouts as he’s clearly having an amazing time using his superb comedy skills which are rarely seen these days. He performs brilliantly as the horrible dad who couldn’t care less about his daughter. In complete contrast Lashana Lynch goes against type to portray Miss Honey, a mild mannered, well-meaning and caring person. It’s not something we’ve seen from Lynch who has recently played a spy, warrior and a superhero. It’s an impressive feat which Lynch has pulled off, whose distinct singing voice gives When I Grow Up and My House particular resonance.

Whilst on the surface this just looks like a fun musical, it’s much deeper and deals with the issues Matilda faces on a daily basis. Neglective and abusive parents, a bully at school and for a long part of her life not having her talents recognised. What adds to Matilda’s trauma is the use of colour, a cheap pastel and gold pastiche covers most of her home but her room and school both have a prison aesthetic to them, creating daunting areas where she spends a lot of time. She has managed to create her own escapism and becomes a storyteller herself. She shares her imagination with librarian Mrs. Phelps played by the charming Sindhu Vee who has become encapsulated by Matilda’s creative mind. Vee portrays a wonderfully curious adult who just wants to know more. Along with Miss Honey, Matilda at least has these two encouraging figures in her life, people who understand her plight as an outsider. Unlike Emma Thompson’s Miss Trunchbull who portrays this great villain as a pantomimed version but in the context of this film it works. Her booming presence makes her larger than life, an attribute we come to expect from such a character. Thompson is a driving force of this film, as she plays a note perfect Trunchbull.

Matilda the Musical has a limited cinema release with Netflix striking a deal to launch it into theatres for just a week. It begs the question what are they hoping for? What will bring people to come and see it rather than wait for its December Netflix release? What will bring people to see it are the songs. School Song, When I Grow Up and Revolting Children are particular standouts which the ensemble cast performs in glorious choreographed dance sequences. At times it performs like a staged play without being stagey thanks to the number of sets the film explores from the school, people’s homes, outdoors and more.

Wildly entertaining with buckets of fun, great songs and a superb cast, Matilda the Musical is a masterclass in how to adapt a stage show to film.

5 out of 5.

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The Irishman To Close BFI London Film Festival 2019

It’s been announced that The Irishman will be closing the 63rd BFI London Film Festival. The International Premiere for Martin Scorsese’s latest takes place on October 13th and reunites the director with his screenwriter from Gangs of New York, Steven Zaillian.

Martin Scorsese, comments “I’m extremely honoured to be having the International Premiere of The Irishman at the closing night of the BFI London Film Festival. This picture was many years in the making. It’s a project that Robert De Niro and I started talking about a long time ago, and we wanted to make it the way it needed to be made. It’s also a picture that all of us could only have made at this point in our lives. We’re all very excited to be bringing The Irishman to London.”

The film, which takes place in post-war America, focuses on the rise of organised crime across the country and delves deep into the unsolved mystery of the disappearance of Union President Jimmy Hoffa. It stars Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci and Harvey Keitel. Told through the eyes of Frank Sheeran, DeNiro plays the World War II veteran, who is a hustler and hitman, working alongside the most nortorious figures in the 20th century as the film journeys through the history of organised crime and shows its inner workings, rivalries and connections to mainstream politics.

Of the announcement, Tricia Tuttle, BFI London Film Festival Director says, “What an immense cinephile thrill it is to close the 63rd BFI London Film Festival with the International Premiere of Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman. British Film Institute Fellow Scorsese is one of the true greats of cinema – as both a creator and a tireless champion of preservation and film history – and here he and his creative team have delivered an epic of breathtakingly audacious scale and complexity, exploring relationships of trust and betrayal, regret and remorselessness, which dominated a period of American history. This is a major occasion for film lovers and I cannot wait to share this film with UK audiences.”

The BFI London Film Festival takes place from Wednesday 2nd October to Sunday 13th October 2019, with the full programme being announced on August 29th.

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Matt Groening Explores The Past With Disenchantment

Making his name with The Simpsons and moving onto Futurama, Matt Groening has quite a knack for narrative animation and he’s not stopping there. In his new show Disenchantment, he explores the medieval past of a hard-drinking princess, her feisty elf and her personal demon. Not quite the history lesson some of you may be after but it sounds like pretty solid entertainment. Here’s the trailer for the new Netflix show.

Coming out slightly more than a year since his deal with Netflix, Disenchantment stars Noel Fielding, Eric André, Abbi Jacobson, Nat Faxon, Lucy Montgomery and many more. Groening has partnered with his producer Josh Weinstein with whom he has worked on his two previous shows. Their third programme swaps Springfield and New New York for Dreamland a medieval coastal town in which Jacobson plays princess Bean.

From the trailer it’s immediately obvious that Princess Bean is going to be quite a trouble maker after being hauled in front of her dad the King who doesn’t recognise her at first. It seems her family will be getting in her way a lot. The first 10 episodes are being released on Netflix on August 17th with season 2 due for 2019 after a 20 episode deal was signed.

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SDCC 2016: A Roundup Of Trailers and Posters

The Holy Grail of nerdy / geeky fandom took place over the weekend. SDCC, as ever, delivered a plethora of trailers and posters from up and coming films that we’re all eagerly awaiting. Amongst them, highlights include the Kong: Skull Island trailer, The Lego Batman trailer and a surprise addition from the Justice League. With a few out this year and the rest out next year, we’ll be spoilt for choice when we head to the cinema (and watch our TVs) for quite some time.


One day I hope to go myself and enter the legendary Hall H but for now this will do.Take a look at the latest trailers from some great looking movies (and the pointless sequel to Blair Witch) and see which is your favourite.

The Justice League trailer came out of nowhere and blew a lot of people away. Its introduction of new characters seemed to work well, plus an added dash of humour is something that’s needed in a film like this. Maybe this will right the wrongs of Batman v Superman.

From one Flash to another. The Flash Season 3 trailer was released as well. Basically DC have put out a lot! We’ll see what’s in store for The Flash this time around, but so far, the TV show has been very good. We’ll see who plays the character better though, Grant Gustin or Ezra Miller.

Wonder Woman poster

The Wonder Woman trailer looks like we will finally get a strong female-led superhero movie. It’s been attempted before but unfortunately they have fallen short. Wonder Woman was one of Batman v Superman’s saving graces, she was powerful, interesting, badass and likeable. It looks like the film will live up to its expectations.

One too many trailers for Suicide Squad now. It’s out on 5th August, less than two weeks away. We did not need this trailer, once again far too many trailers and clips have been released for a film. Stick them altogether and you’ll have most of the film. Anyway, I’m still looking forward to this film, even if we have seen more than we should have.

Blair Witch sequel. Just fuck off.

King Arthuer

King Arthur by Guy Ritchie looks like blokey, gritty, dirty movie.  So, pretty typical Ritchie, which is never a bad thing. Charlie Hunnam, of Sons of Anarchy fame, takes the lead as King Arthur along with a couple of Game of Thrones actors. Due out next year.


Kong: Skull Island looks considerably better than I would have expected, it’s what the King deserves. The ever-awesome Tom Hiddleston, along with Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson and John Goodman, pretty impossible to be shit with that cast. A truly stunning looking King Kong which is leading up to Godzilla vs. Kong!

Lego Batman

Back in black and yellow, he’s here and with a sidekick son who he adopted. Yeah. The Lego Batman movie was announced a while ago and they very quickly released two very short trailers. We finally have a full-length trailer to salivate over. It’s wonderfully funny and Will Arnett is a perfect Batman. 2017 can’t come quickly enough.

From The Lego Batman to pre-Dark Knight. Gotham’s season 3 trailer has been released and it’s a long one. Plus it features the new DC logo, I prefer the old one but oh well. The show has received mixed reviews but the latest trailer is looking great!

The Walking Dead season 6 ended on the biggest cliff-hanger in the shows history. Negan brought the gang together in a cruel and twisted way. They are currently on their knees, awaiting their fate. When we will find out who caught the end of Lucille is anyone’s guess (we know what the show’s like, leaving us hanging as they did when Glen fell into that crowd of walkers, cruel!) But it’s not too long to wait, with the seventh season the premiere in October.

And the Harry Potter fandom continues. The latest trailer for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was shown to the Comic Con audience this weekend. It’s what you’d expect and more from the creators of one of the world’s biggest movie franchises. Eddie Redmayne is the playing lead character Newt Scamander who, in the Harry Potter universe, wrote the book from the book. Confused? Good.

Whilst I’m not sure about his accent, I’m certain that Benedict Cumberbatch will bring it as he always does. He stars as Doctor Stranger, in the second trailer for Marvel’s next film part of their MCU. It’s looking like a Nolan-esque movie with elements of Inceptions and Batman Begins seen in this and the first trailer. Check it out here.


The Defenders consists of Dare Devil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage. It’s like an Avengers TV show but with a much better female character. And darker. It’s interesting how Marvel have gone dark for their TV shows but kept their movies relatively light. Either way, it’s working. Luke Cage is brilliant in Jessica Jones and rightly so getting his own show. Iron Fist says it all in the name. Yet another Game of Thrones actor moving from one franchise to another. I’m really looking forward to this, it’s yet another smart move by Marvel to develop these characters and bring them together on the small screen instead of more movies. We’ll see how these go.

The long-awaited X-Men live action TV series is finally coming and it looks alright. Not great but we’ll see. Always have faith in Marvel. Starring Aubrey Plaza and Dan Stevens, yet another TV show from Marvel, which is due out next year.

Black PantherCaptain MarvelGuardiansThor


Marvel have launched several posters and one image of upcoming MCU movies we can expect to see in the future. One of the biggest pieces of news comes in the form of Captain Marvel. Brie Larson from Room has been announced to be taking that role. She will feature in Infinity Wars and have her own solo movie after that. Footage was shown from Thor: Ragnarok but hasn’t been released any where else just yet. The above image shows concept art of Spider-Man going toe to toe with The Vulture, confirmation that he will be in the new Spider-Man film. With these plus Black Panther, Guardians 2 and several other projects in the pipeline, it looks like the studio isn’t slowing down.

I’ll leave you with their newest intro for Marvel Studios.

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