Knight To Meet You

We were treated to an insane amount of Marvel TV shows and films last year which it was clearly making up for lost time. WandaVision to start with and ending with Spider-Man: No Way Home. Both ambitious in different ways as were some of the films and what was launched on Disney+. They have kept going to continue with their narrative arc which links it all together in some way. Impressive is putting it lightly. Now it’s time for new heroes to come to light. Now it’s time to meet Moon Knight.

Oscar Isaac joins the MCU as Marc Spector, although according to the trailer he doesn’t seem to know that his name is Marc. Intriguing! He plays a former US Marine who suffers from dissociative identity disorder. When he is granted the powers of a moon God and comes to realise its as much of a blessing as it is a curse. Take a look at the trailer below. Looks great!

So now that you’ve had a chance to watch it, what did you think of Oscar Isaac’s accent? A bit hammy and over the top? Why do they do this in America? We don’t sound like that at all, I really hope it isn’t too distracting. Joining Isaac in the cast is Ethan Hawke, Gaspard Ulliel and May Calamawy and the show is directed by Justin Benson, Mohamed Diab, Aaron Moorhead and *checks notes* George freaking Clooney! That’s a pretty impressive name to have on board.

At the moment, 6 episodes have been announced for the series run and we’ll see if it carries on after that or if he just joins the films instead. Maybe a bit of both. Moon Knight arrives on Disney+ on March 30th.

Keep. It. Reel.

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Alternative Artwork

Every time a new Marvel film comes out, the marketing is once again ramped up to an almost ridiculous level. Avengers: Infinity War is no exception with more than 30 posters released so far and another week to go until it’s release, who knows how many more we will see? Frankly I’m hoping none because the quality has been pretty poor. From the ensemble cast posters, the mini team-ups and the digitally enhanced individual images, it’s not hitting the notes which the trailers have.

A lot of the time independent artwork is much better than what we see being launched by the studio. It seems that it’s mainly to do with the fact that multiple people are having their say no matter how little they know about creating something visually pleasing to the eye. Here are just a few examples which are much better than the official posters. If you’d like to see more work like this, each piece has a link to the credited artist below.








Keep. It. Reel.

News from Comic Con: The superheroes are still coming.

Comic Con news just in: new Marvel Comic films are on the way, including second installments of Captain America and Thor, both of which have foregone the usual numbers and opted for full titles. Captain America: The Winter Soldier will be with us on 4th April 2014, whilst Thor: The Dark World will be out on 8th November 2013. The rest include Ironman 3 which is out on 26th April 2013, Guardians of the Galaxy will be released on 1st August 2014 and Ant-Man does not currently have an official date as of yet.

So lots on the way for comic book fans, we’ll see if they can live up to the hype, especially Ant-Man which has had some footage shown at Comic Con. It starts with two agents at the end of a long white corridor, from which we pull back behind an air vent to reveal Ant-Man. Tiny, red and black suit, a mask. Simple. He jumps through the vent, runs along t he corridor and zaps into a normal size. The agents draw their guns. Ant-Man changes back into his small self and leaps into the mouth of one of the agents and knocks him out. He then grabs the tie of the other, flips him through the window and changes back to normal size. He enters an elevator and shrinks back down again.

We’ll see what this holds and how the others do against the magnitude of comic book films that are also in production right now, which includes two more Garfield Spidermans, Man of Steel with Christopher Nolan’s creative input as producer and more from The Avengers. It’s going to be a fun geek-filled few years.


New Avengers artwork and DVD case.

The Avengers are Assembling, again. Now I I hope you aren’t quite sick of the super hero lovefest I’ve been having here on Neel’s Reel Deel because here is some great new artwork and a stunning collectors edition case for the release of Marvel’s The Avengers Assemble. Each piece of artwork is for the discs included for the solo films of all the characters plus the bonus “Phase One Archives”. So in this mammoth boxset, you will get Iron man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, The Avengers Assemble as well as the bonus disc of “Phase One Archives.” Very exciting, so much so that I wish I didn’t have any of the film so I could buy this box! Probably the most amazing looking case for any sort of DVD / Blu Ray release, just take a look, it’s beautiful. Well happy buying and watching!